85619 - Street Directory
List of streets in 85619
- Around the MountainpathAspen Draw Trail #423pathAspen MeadowserviceAspen Trail #93path
Baby Jesus TrailpathBellota Trail #15pathBigelow Trail #520pathBox Camp Trail #22footwayBox Spring Trail #22ApathBrush Corral Shortcut Trail #21AfootwayBrush Corral Trail #19footwayBug Springs Connector TrailpathBug Springs Trail #10pathButterfly Trail #16footwayC
C.D.O Short Cut Trail #4ApathCañada del Oro #4pathCatalina Camp Trail #401pathCathedral Rock #26pathCherry SpringpathCherry TankpathCounty RoadresidentialCow PiespathCowboy SlickrockpathCrystal Spring Trail #17pathD
Davis Spring Trail #31pathE
East Bisbee AvenueresidentialEast Butterfly TrailserviceEast Cap Rock TrailresidentialEast Carter Canyon RoadresidentialEast Florence StreetresidentialEast Fork Trail #24AfootwayEast General Hitchcock RoadunclassifiedEast Grosbeak LaneresidentialEast Incinerator Ridge RoadunclassifiedEast Miami StreetresidentialEast Miner Ridge RoadresidentialEast Nogales AvenueresidentialEast Organization Ridge RoadresidentialEast Palisades Ranger StationserviceEast Prison Camp RoadunclassifiedEast Retreat RoadresidentialEast Retreat WayresidentialEast Rose Canyon RoadunclassifiedEast Ski Run RoadserviceEast Sollers RoadresidentialEast Syke's Knob RoadserviceEast Tanager LaneresidentialEast Turkey Run RoadunclassifiedEast Upper Goat Hill RoadresidentialEast Whitetail RoadresidentialEast Willow Canyon CircleresidentialEast Wren LaneresidentialEsperero Trail #25footwayEvans Mountain Trail #32pathG
Green Mountain Trail #21pathGuthrie Mountain Trail #704AfootwayH
HerniapathHistoric Sabino Trail #29footwayI
Incinerator Ridge Trail #18ApathK
Kelllog Trail #45pathKnagge Trail #18pathL
Lemmon Rock Lookout Trail #12pathM
Marshall Gulch Trail #3pathMaverick Spring Trail #704pathMeadow Trail #5ApathMiddle GatepathMint Spring Trail #20pathMount Kimball Spur TrailpathMount Lemmon Trail #5pathN
North Ajo AvenueresidentialNorth Ajo WayresidentialNorth Casa Grande AvenueresidentialNorth Control RoadunclassifiedNorth General Hitchcock HighwaysecondaryNorth Gila AvenueresidentialNorth Guthrie RoadresidentialNorth Hayden AvenueserviceNorth Loma Linda Extension RoadresidentialNorth Marshall GulchunclassifiedNorth Middle Sabino RoadresidentialNorth Paseo CercaresidentialNorth Phoenix AvenueresidentialNorth Ray AvenueresidentialNorth Sabino Canyon ParkunclassifiedNorth Tempe AvenueresidentialNorth Tucson AvenueresidentialNorth Upper Loma Linda LaneresidentialNorth Upper Loma Linda LoopresidentialNorth Upper Loma Linda PlaceresidentialNorth Upper Loma Linda RoadresidentialNorth Yuma AvenueresidentialO
OHV 1 #651pathOHV 2 #652pathOld Mount Lemmon RoadunclassifiedOracle Ridge Trail #1pathOrganizational Ridge RoadserviceP
Palisades Trail #99footwayR
Red Ridge Trail #2pathRedington RoadunclassifiedRomero Trail #8pathRose Canyon Lake Trail #37footwayS
Sabino Canyon Trail #23footwaySabino Creek Trail #52AfootwaySamaniego Ridge Trail #7pathSouth Mount Lemmon RoadunclassifiedSun Spot ApproachpathSunset Trail #90pathSutherland TrailpathSutherland Trail #6pathSycamore Basin Link Trail #29AfootwaySycamore Reservoir Trail #39footwayT
TankpathTucson AvenueresidentialV
Ventana Trail #98pathVista Trail #14pathW
West Fork Sabino Trail #24pathWilderness of Rocks Trail #44pathZ
Zee Roadresidential