85255 - Street Directory
List of streets in 85255 beginning with S
- Sagebrush CircleresidentialSaguaro Loop TrailpathSaguaro TrailpathScenic TrailpathScout Camp DriveserviceScout Trail (Youth Groups Only)pathService Road #2pathService Road #3pathShallmo DriveserviceShallmo Wash TrailpathSilverleaf connectorfootwaySkills TrailpathSmoketree DriveresidentialSonora Vista CircleresidentialSouth Bend DriveresidentialSport LooppathStaghorn CircleresidentialStarling CircleresidentialStoneman Wash TrailpathSven Tower 1 & 2 TrailpathSven Tower 3 TrailpathSven Towers TrailpathSweet Acacia Driveresidential